Sunday, May 07, 2006

No liberty at the New School

"In all of our classes we’re taught the value of inclusion of all people," he said, "and we’re taught to question our leaders."

So New School sophomore Harper Keenan believes in the inclusion of all people -- except those with whom he disagrees. He's helped organize a movement to remove John McCain as the college's commencement speaker because the senator from Arizona will also be speaking at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University.

"Up until a few months ago, I was happy he was coming," said Anthony Szczurek, a New School freshman. "I think the thing that bothers me the most is him speaking at Jerry Falwell’s school." Szczurek said that he thinks it’s not appropriate to have a speaker that is hostile to the gay community speak on a day of celebration at an institution with a vibrant gay community."

Now I'm not crazy about McCain sucking up to Falwell, either. But I'm much more troubled by the continuing trend on college campuses to silence those who don't follow the liberal party line. A similar movement is underway at Boston College, where Condoleezza Rice is scheduled to appear at graduation and receive an honorary degree.

Perhaps they should just get it over with and start offering fascism as a major.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    When I was a grad student at BC, Janet Reno spoke at my graduation. Long, so very boring, almost painful to have to endure, but for the love of God, suck it up and get on with the party!!
    Protesting will only prolong an already overdone event.
